New Virtual Conference Fees

Type Student Professional



€ 60 € 200
Non-members € 80 € 250

EACE Membership

Membership type Price
2020 Annual Fee for Full EACE Member* € 45
2020 Annual Fee for PhD Member** € 18
Five Year Membership*** € 180
Lifetime Membership for those who have reached official retirement age**** € 180

*This is the regular fee for the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) for the year 2021.

**This is the regular fee for the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) for PhD students for the year 2021.

***As an alternative to a yearly fee, a full member can also choose to pay for a five-year membership, which fee is equal to four times the regular fee.

****EACE members who have reached the official retirement age can choose a life-time membership. In this case, you pay the fee that equals to four years but you remain a member of the Association for the rest of your life.

For more information and procedures to become EACE member visit

Gary Marsden Student Development Fund

SIGCHI student members (or interested in becoming members) who are postgraduate students from, and currently based in, developing countries are eligible to apply to the SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund.
The Fund may cover a maximum of $2500 USD, including travel (economy class flight tickets, ground transportation), accommodation (student housing if available), and meals during the conference can be covered by reimbursement.
The Fund is for those who have an accepted contribution or are accepted as doctoral consortium student, or volunteering of any kind (such as student volunteer) for the conference.