

Session A – A General overview on Terrorism and Legal Principles Friday, July 20th
8.15-9.30 Welcome Addresses

Rector; Prefect of Siena; Representative of Embassy of Israel

9.30-10.30 Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi

Inaugural Address: Security Versus Freedom: Derogation from Human Rights in Time of Terrorism

10.30-11.30 Andrea Manciulli

Tra prevenzione della radicalizzazione ed estremismo jihadista

11.30-12.00 Coffee Break
12.00-13.00 Humberto Antonio Sierra Porto

Terrorism and Human Rights in the case-law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Maurizio Romanelli

Il sistema di contrasto al terrorismo

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Federico Lenzerini

Terrorism, Deportation and Ill-Treatment

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo



Session A – A General overview on Terrorism and Legal Principles Saturday, July 21st
9.00-10.50 Simon Perry

The Criminology of Counterterrorism and Human Rights

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Ezio Gaetano

Le strategie comuni dell’UE nel contrasto alla radicalizzazione che porta al terrorismo

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Ariel Bendor

Terrorism and Human Rights: a general perspective (1st part)

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Ariel Bendor

Terrorism and Human Rights: a general perspective (2nd part)

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo



Session B – 1st  focus Migratory flows Monday, July 23rd
9.00-10.50 Federico Petrangeli

Terrorism and migration

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Ilio Mannucci Pacini

Foreign fighters

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Lorenzo Zanni

Ethnic entrepreneurship: economic and managerial implications of migrant entrepreneurship. The case of Chinese entrepreneurs in Prato

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Riccardo Pavoni

International Counter-Terrorism Law: An Overview

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo


Session B – 1st  focus Migratory flows Tuesday, July 24th
8.30-9.00 Welcome Addresses from the Questor of Siena
9.00-10.50 Simon Perry

The Practice of Counterterrorism and Human Rights

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Pasquale Annicchino

Law vs religious radicalization: case studies

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Ariel Bendor

Immigration Rights and the Struggle against Terror: Israeli and Comparative Constitutional Aspects

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Maria Eugenia Bartoloni

Il fenomeno migratorio fra immagini e norme

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo





Session C – 2nd focus Data flows Wednesday, July 25th
8.30-10.20 Stefano Zatti

The protection of space missions: threats and cyber threats

10.20-10.40 Coffee Break
10.40-11.30 Mauro Mancini Proietti

Cybercrime e tutela dei minori nella società multimediale 2.0: la sindrome da IAD

11.30-13.00 Gianluca Navone

GDPR and data breach

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Gabriele Rizzo

A discourse on strategy in cyberspace – told from the private sector

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Sandro Bartolini

Cybersecurity and information security: from cryptographic protocols to digital identity and crypto-currencies

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo


Session C – 2nd focus Data flows Thursday, July 26th
9.00-10.50 Hadas Klein

Cyber threat landscape in 2018

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Gabi Siboni

Cyber security capacity building on a national and corporate level

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Silvio Ranise

The enforcement of privacy and other legal provisions in socio-technical and cyber physical systems

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Chiara Fanuele

La circolazione dei dati genetici

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo



Session D – 3nd focus Financial and capital flows Friday, July 27th
9.00-10.50 Michele Carbone

Flussi finanziari e terrorismo

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Filippo Dami

Discipline fiscali di contrasto all’indebita allocazione territoriale e all’occultamento di capitali

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Greco Gian Luca

 Finanza e tutela dei diritti umani: le misure di compliance adottate dalle banche e dagli altri intermediari finanziari

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Scalise MassimilIano

La cooperazione tra amministrazioni finanziarie in materia di terrorismo

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo


Session D – 3nd focus Financial and capital flows Saturday, July 28th
9.00-10.50 Vittorio Santoro

 Sui sistemi di pagamento e le esigenze di sicurezza

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Walter Negrini

Il ruolo dell’Unità di Informazione Finanziaria della Banca d’Italia nella prevenzione e nel contrasto del riciclaggio  e del finanziamento del terrorismo

13.00-14.00 Lunch



Session E – 4th  focus Terrorism and security: technical and juridical perspectives Monday, July 30th
9.00-10.50 Gur Bligh

The recent comprehensive counter-terrorism law in Israel

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Yael Litmanovitz

To be defined

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 Roberto Pardolesi

The right to be forgotten and its implications for terrorists

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break
16.10-18.00 Alessandro Palmieri

Counter-terrorism surveillance and fundamental right to data protection: the European perspective

18.00-18.30 Aperitivo


Session D – 3nd focus Financial and capital flows Tuesday, July 31st
9.00-10.50 Ariel Bendor

 Law and Terror in Israel

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-13.00 Yael Litmanovitz

To be defined

13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Martin Scheinin

 Closing lecture: How to Reconcile between Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism?

16.00-16.30 Farewell Aperitivo