Friday 27th from 16:00 to 17:30

  1. Sara Zanellini, Niels Janssen and Gabriele Miceli:
    The cognitive and neural correlates of negative sentence verification
  1. Domenica Romagno, Lucia Busso and Valentina Elce:
    Language processing in the brain: a new battery for investigating the morphosyntax/semantics interface.
  1. Gita Martohardjono, Richard Schwartz, Christen Madsen Ii and Cass Lowry:
    Detection and cognitive effort in the processing of Spanish relative clauses: a study of two types of bilinguals.
  1. Amir Grosvirt, Avi Karni and Anat Prior:
    Daytime attrition, nighttime enhancement: opposing off-line processes in acquiring skill in a new language
  1. Fuzhen Si and Giuseppe Samo:
    A Cartography of Paralinguistic Features and Non-Verbal elements: some preliminary notes on experimental designs.
  1. Giulia Bencini:
    Language production in monolingual, bilingual, child and adult language learners
  1. Maayan Rajuan-Gabso, Noga Balaban and Naama Friedmann:
    Syntactic embedding and thinking about other people’s thoughts: A double dissociation
  1. Massimiliano Trippa, Katarina Marjanovic and Alessandro Treves:
    Associative Transitions in Language Processing
  1. Marta Tagliani, Chiara Melloni, Denis Delfitto and Daniele Panizza:
    The saliency of the mentioned argument facilitates the processing of negation: a Visual World study
  1. Gustavo Estivalet, José Ferrari–Neto and Fanny Meunier:
    The electroencephalographic time-course on the processing of gender and number in nominal inflection
  1. Irene Canudas Grabolosa, Elena Pagliarini, Gennaro Chierchia and Luca Bonatti:
    Entailment sensitivity in numerals, ‘and’ and ‘or’: experimental evidence

  2. Martina Abbondanza, Francesca Foppolo, Luca Rinaldi and Marco Marelli:
    Quantifiers and analogue quantity processing: an eye-tracking study.
  1. Emanuele Casani:
    Distinguishing developmental dyslexias. Reading errors by Italian dyslexic children with and without specific language impairment.