Italian Representation


June 20, 2018
Siena, Italy

Slide 1

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan: it will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity“

(Robert Schuman)


University of Siena - Aula Magna
Banchi di Sotto 55

Concept Paper

One of the basic challenges of the 21st Century is assuring international peace and fostering development, in the light of the new World balance. Today, there are problems that can only be solved by action at the global level. New strategic thinking is required to approach global issues and advance “global public goods”. Consequently, international communities must become protagonists of a new strategy to intervene in crisis areas and to promote peace, human rights and development with a strategy based on realistic and effective foreign common policy. Such a strategy must include the collaborative efforts of diplomatic, economic and peace forces actions, while being rooted in the common goal of development of a strong cooperation culture of solidarity capable of understanding local needs and providing quick and efficient solutions that are at once professional and respectful of human dignity. Such a strategy must rely on cultural expertise and include expert knowledge of the theoretical elements of crisis and development management and the capability to understand the real comprehensive needs of the populations, and their historical and cultural roots in order to give effective answers to them, and to promote peace and development even in the first phases of the interventions.